
Hello, I’m a PhD exploration geologist and this is my public scientific communication website about the geology and earth science behind some amazing places. I like to understand and explore the earth sciences behind places I travel (either for fun or work). And with this blog I try and share this to anyone.

Stephanie Sykora - Geologist, PhD, blogger

More about the author

IΒ am fromΒ Canada and have aΒ BSc in Earth Science from the University of Victoria, B.C., Canada, and a PhD from CODES at the University of Tasmania, Australia. My thesis and research was on a large gold deposit (Lihir) in Papua New Guinea. I have several scientific publications from this body of work, as well as other collaborative projects. I have worked as a staff and consultant exploration geologist with many companies, ranging from small juniors to majors. This has been largely in generative and projects for copper and gold mineral exploration and mining. Currently I am a consultant mineral exploration geologist (for professional enquires, please email). Additionally I have worked within various media platforms as a contributor.

About the science

I focus my posts on my expertise ofΒ earth science, specificallyΒ geology and geomorphology (how the land was formed, rocks, etc.). I occasionally write about other natural sciences as well (astronomy, ecology, etc.). Scientific sources are short referenced in each post (Author, Year). However, if you would like the full reference or the paper (or any other interesting papers related to the subject) please send me an email.

Scientific Publications:

Cooke, D.R., Sykora, S., Lawlis, E., Blackwell, J.L., Ageneau, M., Jansen, N.H., Harris, A.C., and Selley, D., 2020, Lihir Alkalic Epithermal Gold Deposit, Papua New Guinea: SEG Special Publication, n. 23, p. 579–597.

Kuhn, S., Cracknell, M.J., Reading, A.M., and Sykora, S., 2020, Identification of intrusive lithologies in volcanic terrains in British Columbia by machine learning using Random Forests: the value of using a soft classifier: Geophysics, v.85 (6), p. 1–40.

Sykora, S., Selley, D., Cooke, D.R. and Harris, A.C., 2018, The structure and significance of anhydrite-bearing vein arrays, Lienetz orebody, Lihir gold deposit, Papua New Guinea: Economic Geology, v. 113, p. 237–270.

Sykora, S., Cooke, D.R., Meffre, S., Stephanov, A.S., Gardner, K., Scott, R., Selley, D. and Harris, A.C., 2018, Evolution of pyrite trace element compositions from porphyry-style and epithermal conditions at the Lihir gold deposit: implications for ore genesis and mineral processing: Economic Geology, v. 113, p. 193–208.

Byrne, K., Stock, E., Ryan, J., Johnson, C., Nisenson, J., Jimenez, T.A., Lapointe, M., Stewart, H., Grubisa, G., and Sykora, S., 2013, Porphyry Cu-(Mo) deposits in the Highland Valley district, south-central British Columbia, in Logan, J., and Schroeter, T., (eds), Society of Economic Geologist Field Trip Guidebook, Series 43, p. 99–116.

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